Elite Kitchen & Bath / EXPRESS CONTRACTING - Kitchen, Bath & Home Design & Remodeling / Long Island & NYC

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Art in Business & Life

The beginning of each new season always spurs a renewal of emotions, contemplation and a reflection of our lives. Recently, I have been contemplating how art has helped me transform my life and business. Art can bring a certain kind of excitement to your life. You can enjoy the wonders of paintings, poetry, music, dance.... My wife and I love the ballet and opera. We frequent Lincoln Center and enjoy many forms of dance and music. Sharing these cultural events together keeps our lives connected and fun. I was the President of The New York Virtuosi Chamber Symphony for 4 years. I was involved about 12 years total with my wife. We arranged concerts and had a grand time with the board members and musicians. The Board sourced guest violinists and pianists worldwide. We were afforded the honor to appear and have our Chamber Symphony play at the U.N. It was a special time of my life.

Experiencing art in our everyday lives can bring our own creativity to the surface and affect our minds eye view. I don't know why it has this effect, but I do not need to know why. Art has helped me create beautiful homes for our clients. I am able to look at a room such as a kitchen and my mind can envision how to enhance it's beauty and function.

Art keeps history close to us. It allows us to never forget the history of our world, culture and how we have evolved over the years. History through art affords us the opportunity to experience the trials, tribulations and rewards of our past.

Michelangelo's artwork stirs my creativity. Michelangelo is known for his outstanding sculptures and paintings. He created Pietà when he was 24 years old and David when he was 28. Yet, his architecture, such as the Laurentian Library and St. Peter’s Basilica sometimes take a back seat to his other art forms. I included pictures of his architectural achievements so you may appreciate its beauty.

Laurentian Library

St. Peter’s Basilica